Eggplants are a fruit?
Eggplants are technically a fruit – did you know that? How do you feel about eggplants? I personally love them grilled or sautéed in a salad but my husband is not too fond of them so I don’t cook them that often, but I might throw them into the rotation. Especially after the refresher on […]
How to stop eating junk food after a stressful day at work
We don’t often realize it but the stress that our body goes through can greatly affect our eating habits. Some of us are “stress eaters”, while others leave food entirely due to stress. When we’re busier we may forget to eat or end up eating whatever we find in front of us. A new study […]
Eating More Veggies via Fun Names
Hello all, I used to be a believer in simple names for recipes but this is changing my mind. It’s amazing how much effect things have on a subliminal level. This study showed that naming veggies with exciting (and still accurate, of course) names led to higher consumption. Try using this tactic at home! No […]
Diet & Genes
“The study shows what a striking role diet has played in the evolution of human populations,” The idea of eating based on genes has been floating around over the past few years, it doesn’t really have much scientific backing but this is an interesting find.
One third of world is obese
The good news: the US is just as obese as the rest of the world The bad news: a third (about 2 billion people) are now classified as obese Being obese is identified by having a BMI of 30 or more. Studies have shown that the extra weight places you at higher risk for a […]
Delay in New Nutrition Labels
The new nutrition labels are going to be delayed ?. Just like the RDN quoted in the article, I’m disappointed in the delay. I was really looking forward to all that extra information so my clients and all consumers could make better informed decisions. Do you know how to read a food label? Thinking of […]
Fighting Chemophobia
This is really cool! There’s this huge, often uninformed, push towards “natural” or “pure” products without the recognition that even fruits and vegetables contain dozens of chemicals we don’t recognize. “James Kennedy, a high school teacher from Haileybury in Australia, has created ingredients lists for ‘raw’ foods that have not been processed in any way. […]
20 Ways to Enjoy More Fruits and Vegetables
Two servings of fruit 2.5 servings of vegetables everyday, keeps the …dietitian away! Check out (and download) these 20 tips from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics on how to increase fruit and veggie consumption.
Just 5% of Daily Salt Gets Added at the Table
“In a sampling of 450 U.S. adults, only 10 percent of salt, or sodium, in their diet came from food prepared at home. About half of that was added at the table. Instead, restaurant meals and store-bought foods — including crackers, breads and soups — accounted for 71 percent of salt intake, the study found.” […]
Taxing Sugar-Sweetened Beverages
The idea of taxing sugary beverages has been floating around for the past few years with some implementation world wide. A recent study has shown the positive potential (in terms of decreased consumption) of this tax. What are your thoughts on taxing sugary beverages?