Avocado & White Bean Salad with Vinaigrette

Half an avocado with pit

Hello all, I was visiting my family last weekend and found out that my brother has decided to try going vegan for a bit (or maybe forever, only time will tell). I cooked lunch one day and wanted to make something for him (since lunch was the Oven Fried Chicken recipe I shared a few […]

Eating Right Isn’t Complicated

Eating right isn’t complicated. Try following guidelines from the Dietary Guidelines for Americans: – Emphasize fruit, vegetables, whole grains and low-fat or fat-free milk and milk products. – Include lean meats, poultry, fish, beans, eggs and nuts. – Make sure your diet is low in saturated fats, trans fats, salt (sodium) and added sugars. http://www.eatright.org/…/die…/eating-right-isnt-complicated

7 Ways to Enhance the Flavor of Your Meals

Cooking at home is a great way to cut food costs and know exactly what you are eating but at times it can be intimidating. It’s sometimes just simply not taste as good as a store or restaurant meal. Here are some tips to enhance the flavor of your meals from the Academy of Nutrition […]

AND Opposes Harmful Health Care Legislation

“The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics opposes the American Health Care Act, the harmful health care legislation passed May 4 by the House of Representatives, and recommends that the Senate oppose H.R. 1628.” http://www.eatrightpro.org/…/academy-opposes-harmful-health…

The “True” Human Diet

Caveman carrying tray of fast food

Hello all, Have you heard of the “Paleo diet” also commonly referred to as the Cave Man diet. The idea behind the diet is that we need to go back to eating what cave men eat. As a dietitian, I personally do not endorse a lot of different diets. The Paleo diet is especially concerning […]

Does a healthy lifestyle guarantee a long life?

We sometimes make the mistake of believing a healthy or nutritious diet means we are going to live forever. This leads to unrealistic expectations and adverse reactions to when we do get sick despite “eating well”. Eating well is just ONE component of living a healthy life. It can help shift the odds in our […]

Food as Medicine

Doctor talking to a patient in a grocery store aisle

“”We really want to link food and medicine, and not just give away food,” says Dr. Rita Nguyen, the hospital’s medical director of Healthy Food Initiatives. “We want people to understand what they’re eating, how to prepare it, the role food plays in their lives.” (Article and photo source on NPR: http://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2017/01/17/509520895/food-as-medicine-it-s-not-just-a-fringe-idea-anymore) The idea of food […]

Butter’s Story

Slab of butter with butter knife cutting through it

“Butter’s story is a very American story, because the arc of its vilification and subsequent redemption is a parable for how we get food wrong time and again. We alternately demonize and idealize individual ingredients — not just butter but also sugar, caffeine, red wine and supposed miracle foods featured on “The Dr. Oz Show” […]

AND Press Release – American Health Care Act

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND) has just released a press release regarding the American Health Care Act. This act was proposed to congress as an ObamaCare replacement. The AARP along with many other organizations within the field have already expressed their opposition and the AND is joining their ranks. What do you think […]