Health At Every Size

Health At Every Size (HAES) is an approach to health that considers the individual as a whole rather than focusing on their weight. HAES is a weight neutral approach rather than the traditional weight centric approach. In a weight centric approach, often times, individuals in larger bodies and at higher BMIs are only seen as […]

Halal In Islam

When it comes to food in the US, there are certain considerations that Muslims have to make.

Snacks, friends.

Snacks friends, snacks! Snacks are a great way to honor your hunger. We often make the mistake of ignoring hunger cues because we are worried we will eat too much if we eat now. ⠀ ⠀ What if I told you, ignoring those hunger cues may very well be the reason you overeat! ?⠀ ⠀ […]

I’m Back!

Assalamualikum (peace be upon you), hello, and welcome to my blog! I’ve been a bit MIA so I wanted to take the time to reintroduce myself as well as share a bit of where life has taken me personally and Dua the Dietitian professionally. ⠀ I went into private practice to allow me the flexibility […]

[GUEST BLOGGER] Which foods can help people sleep better?

Mary Lee is a researcher for the sleep science hub She specializes in sleep’s role in mental and physical health and wellness. Mary lives in Olympia, Washington and shares her full-sized bed with a very noisy cat. Food can influence all aspects of health, including how well you sleep. Generally speaking, when you eat […]

[GUIDE] Fad Diet Breakdown – Paleo Diet

QUESTION: What’s the deal with the Paleo diet? Is it all the rage or just another fad? ANSWER: That’s an excellent question, friends! When it comes to assessing a diet or fad you have to look at a few things: what is it, how restrictive is it, is it sustainable, is it evidenced based? The following […]

[TRIVIA] Boiling VS. Simmering

A pot of pasta boiling on a stove.

Trivia Question: What is the difference between a boil and a simmer? Answer: Simply a simmer is at a lower temperature than a boil. But check out below for more details. A boil, also called a rolling boil, is when the liquid reaches a temperature where it bubbles and starts to vaporize. The liquid is […]

[TRIVIA] Most Common Vitamin Deficiency in the US

Trivia Question: What is the most common vitamin deficiency in the US? Answer: If you guessed Vitamin D…you’re wrong! According to the Center for Disease Control’s National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (CDC/NHANES for short), Vitamin B6 deficiency was the most common deficiency seen in the samples collected between 1999 and 2006! That being said Vitamin […]


Mark your calendars friends! ⠀ ⠀ I will be going live with All Business Media FM on Thursday 7/5 (TODAY) at 1pm CST/2pm EST! I will be going live with Rick Delgado to talk about Dua the Dietitian, what I do, and anywhere else the conversation may lead!  I am super excited to reach more […]

Nutrition Tip – Add Lots of Veggies

There are two topics that I find myself often discussing with my clients early on during our sessions and this is one of them! ⠀ ⠀ One of the simplest shift many of us can make when it comes to eating a more balanced diet is to just up the veggie intake a bit! The […]