[GUEST BLOGGER] Activated Charcoal: Benefits and Harms
Thanks to guest blogger and fellow dietitian, Sarah Gatien, for the informative blog post! You can follow her on Instagram: @sa.rah.rah “Fad: An intense and widely shared enthusiasm for something, especially one that is short-lived and without basis in the object’s qualities; a craze1″ – Oxford Dictionaries You’ll know it when you see it: Black […]
[GUIDE] Marinate Your Meats
A marinade is a seasoned liquid that a meat soaks in prior to cooking. Marinades often contain vinegar, oil, or another liquid base and herbs and seasoning. The goal of a marinade is to allow flavor to seep into the meat so when cooked it is more flavorful and often times also more tender. Marinating […]
[RECIPE] Easy Veggie Stir Fry with Soba Noodles
Hello all, Alright guys – this one can be as easy or as involved as you’d like. It is essentially three ingredients: (1) veggies, (2) noodles, and (3) sauce. All three of these ingredients can be purchased in a ready to use fashion or they can be prepared at home. When I am moving quickly, […]
[GUIDE] Shifting to Nutrient Dense Foods
Shifting to nutrient dense foods means moving towards incorporating more foods that are nutrient dense. This is the recommendation of the USDA 2015 Dietary Guidelines: “Choose nutrient dense foods and beverages across and within all food groups.” But what are nutrient dense foods? The nutrient density of a food is determined by the nutrients it provides compared […]
Smart Goals
Did you know that less than 10% of individuals actually stick to their New Year’s resolutions? A lot of you might be nodding your head as we are two weeks into the New Year and many of us have already stepped away from our resolutions. I am not a fan of setting resolutions only for […]
Savory Oatmeal
When we think of oatmeal we often think of a warm bowl full of sweetened oats and topped with goodies like nuts, fruits, raisins, brown sugar, and other sweet options. We don’t often think of avocado and eggs. But, the scene is shifting a bit! Recently, I was introduced to the idea of savory oatmeal. […]
[RECIPE] Lasagna Stuffed Peppers
I love trying new and different recipes like this one here: Lasagna Stuffed Peppers. This recipe removes the lasagna noodles and replaces them with pepper boats. It’s obviously not really lasagna but I loved it because I could use homemade (from scratch) garlic bread as my starch. And homemade bread is the best (that recipe […]
[Guide] How to Assess Nutrition Claims for Accuracy?
“Cures all bloating, nausea, headaches, fatigue, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, liver cirrhosis, and death” Have you ever seen such claims? Ok, this one might be slightly exaggerated but I’m sure you’ve seen countless nutrition claims. This food is a cure all, that food is the cause of death, this multivitamin will allow you to see […]
[RECIPE] Chocolate Chip Banana Bread
Hey guys, Banana bread brings back (check out that alliteration!) a lot of memories from the year I spent in Dallas (2014-15). I was studying and we made a ton of banana bread. We were all students living on pretty limited budgets so we didn’t always have all the necessary ingredients. I’m pretty sure we’ve […]
RECIPE: Mashed Potatoes with Green Onions
Mashed potato story time! When I lived at home we used to make mashed potatoes from the box. It wasn’t a regular part of our cuisine and when we did want to add it in that was all we knew. Well, once I was at a work meeting with my boss and our volunteers, and […]