Vegetarian Proteins

Hello all,

My husband and I try to eat two vegetarian dinners a week (we try!) and I’m always on the lookout for different recipes and ideas. I only have a few recipes that I cycle through for these dinners including a couple of Mexican recipes using beans, and Arab or Pakistani lentils with rice.

We try to go vegetarian for a few reasons: (1) health, (2) environmental, and (3) religious. From a health perspective it’s recommend to vary your protein between red meats, poultry, seafood, and vegetarian options. In terms of environmental benefits, I am not that knowledgeable but I’ve read that benefits include decreased CO2 emissions and water waste*. The religious reason is what we see in the example of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)’s diet which included less meat than we are used to consuming.

According to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, the average American consumes almost double the amount of protein their body needs so I’m not too concerned about skipping a few meats a week. But, I came across this BuzzFeed article (20 Protein-Packed Dinners With No Meat) and I felt it was worthy of sharing. I’m definitely going to try numbers 4, 8, and 9. Numbers 10 and 15 also caught my attention.

Do you ever skip the meat? Why or why not and what’s your favorite vegetarian recipe? Let me know!

Sahtain** all,

**sahtain is the Arabic ‘bon appetit’, it literally translates into ‘may you have double the health’ but generally means ‘enjoy your meal’


About me

Dua genuinely believes that our relationship with food should not be complicated. She likes to focus on eating in moderation and listening to your body but this, of course, will be different from person to person and body to body.



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