Assalamualikum (peace be upon you), hello, and welcome to my blog! I’ve been a bit MIA so I wanted to take the time to reintroduce myself as well as share a bit of where life has taken me personally and Dua the Dietitian professionally. ⠀
I went into private practice to allow me the flexibility to be there for my family as needed. That was my primary thought process and the fact that I can also do what I love, share nutrition with the world and choose when and how to do it are all added wins. ⠀
I was initially thinking this would be great for when kiddos would be a part of our lives but it came in clutch earlier than expected when a family member fell ill. I’m not one to share personal life too publicly but that responsibility was my priority for the past few months. It pulled me away from my social media presence but, alhamdulilah (praise be to God), I was still able to see clients albeit at a lower rate. My family member is still ill, so keep them in your prayers but we are able to settle back into everyday life. ⠀
This time away really allowed me to reflect on what it is that I love for and from Dua the Dietitian online, besides working with clients one on one and helping them reach their goals. ⠀
(1) I love being up to date on the research and what’s new. Providing accurate and current nutrition information is a goal. If you have a question about a nutrition hot topic or controversy – send it my way please!⠀
(2) I love love speaking on nutrition to groups and wider audiences. I’ve spoken at the ICNA national conference, Islamic centers, fitness clubs, and schools. If I can combine my study of Islam with my passion for nutrition then I’m an incredibly happy dietitian. If you’re interested in having a nutrition webinar, seminar, or workshop for your community – I am the Dietitian for ya!⠀
(3) I’ve been conflicted with keeping my Muslim identity and Dua the Dietitian separate but as I stepped back I realized that my background and community involvement, study of Islam and nutrition, and my experiences provide a perspective that may not be commonly heard. I will likely incorporate more of that in the future. ⠀
My goals for my blog are to (1) provide you with accurate and relevant information as well as (2) provide tips and guidance on how to apply the information and hopefully (3) be a source of positivity on the webosphere.
I’m excited for what’s next and welcome it with open arms. I ask that if you find what I share to be informative and helpful, let me know by commenting and liking it. And if you think it can be useful for others to pass it along.
So after this long re-introduction, tell me friends – what have I missed? How are you doing and are you working on any nutrition and health goals?
With warmth,
Dua Aldasouqi, MA, RDN
Certified Health Coach