[GUIDE] Fad Diet Breakdown – Paleo Diet

QUESTION: What’s the deal with the Paleo diet? Is it all the rage or just another fad? ANSWER: That’s an excellent question, friends! When it comes to assessing a diet or fad you have to look at a few things: what is it, how restrictive is it, is it sustainable, is it evidenced based? The following […]
[GUEST BLOGGER] What is Vitamin B17 and is it safe?

What is vitamin B17? First things first, vitamin B17 isn’t actually a vitamin according to the Committee on Nomenclature of the American Institute of Nutrition, and there is no evidence to support that this substance is needed by the body. Second, you will also see vitamin B17, amygdalin, and Laetrile used interchangeably, but these are not […]
[GUIDE] Guide to MonoSodium Glutamate (MSG)

You’ve probably heard of MSG. It was a very hot topic a few years ago but that seems to have died down a bit. That being said – people are still confused! What IS MSG? Is it harmful? Should we avoid it? Never fear – Dua the Dietitian is here! We’re going to dive right […]
[GUEST BLOGGER] Activated Charcoal: Benefits and Harms

Thanks to guest blogger and fellow dietitian, Sarah Gatien, for the informative blog post! You can follow her on Instagram: @sa.rah.rah “Fad: An intense and widely shared enthusiasm for something, especially one that is short-lived and without basis in the object’s qualities; a craze1″ – Oxford Dictionaries You’ll know it when you see it: Black […]